You keep getting back up every time life knocks you down
You do what needs to be done no matter how you feel
You are the kind of person who would get up in the middle of the night to go help a friend
You can read a room within seconds of walking in
You instinctively know when you can (or cannot) trust someone
You can tell when someone is getting upset, and you tell a joke to lighten the mood
You somehow just know when someone is lying to you
You are the first one to show up for work and the last one to leave
You offer to help out before being asked
You see what needs to be done and just do it
You cannot stand by and watch someone be mistreated
You go above and beyond what is expected
You are super vigilant about protecting the weaker and more vulnerable around you
You tend to overcommit, saying yes to just about everything you're asked to do
You refuse to let fear stop you from doing what you want to do
You’ve been broken open to the point that your goodness pours out to others
You see opportunity in every challenge
You notice the people who are often unnoticed and unappreciated
You often show creativity in work and life
You see the obvious choice in complicated decisions
You pay more attention to a person’s behavior than to their words
You are the best advocate for something you are passionate about
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